100% Canadian owned & Operated 100% Canadian Owned and Operated

S&R Group

"Creating Communities that are Good for Life"

Twin Lakes Residents planting flowers

Twin Lakes Residents planting flowers

Twin Lakes residents along with the help of the handy man, Bill Watson planted flowers boxes on the patio of the side deck. We planted Marigolds, to keep the Squirrels out of the flowers. They read that the Squirrels don't like the smell of Marigolds and they wanted to use something natural to detour them. Marigolds will also attract butterfly's. We have a good population of wild life here at the Lake, but we would hate to see all our hard work go to waste by the Squirel's digging up our planters. We also planted Impatiens, and Salvia's which will grow with all the sunlight that we get on the deck.