Memorable afternoon at a Ranch

Rosewood Village residents spend a memorable afternoon at the Texas Longhorn Ranch in Strathroy. The Fun Co-cordinator Bev and her family have a trailer at the campground and she knew the residents would love to spend an afternoon there. So Bev organized a resident outing to visit her trailer and spend a relaxing aferrnoon at the campgroud. Bev also contacted the owner, Fred Cahill, "Cowboy Fred" as he affectionately know, insisted Bev and the residents spend part of their day with the horses and at the gazebo where they were served pie and lemonade. Cowboy Fred also took time to teach the residents about the horses and how the ranch operates. He also showed them the ranch's chuckwagon. For an added touch of authenticitiy, the residents all wore cowboys hats! We really apprecaite what Cowboy Fred did for us, it was a wonderful day!!
To top it all off, Mother nature gave them a beautiful day so they could really enjoy their day outside at the ranch. The residents loved it!! They are still taking about it.