Mad Hatter Tea Party

Mad Hatter Tea Party
Waterloo Heights hosted a wonderful Mother's Day Mad Hatter Tea Party to celebrate all the Mothers and female role models in our lives. Harpist Barbara hull played her harp while residents enjoyed tea, homemade baked tea biscuits that were served warm and garnished with fresh cream and strawberries. There was a Mad Hatter theme Photo frame that residents could stand behind for a photo, and guarding the doors were two life-sized playing cards with faces. Super-sized playing cards with a Cheshire cat design also hung from the ceiling, and flowers in the centerpieces all had eyes. Most of the decor was handmade, including some of the hats worn by the residents. Nellie Hiltz made her own hat for the occasion out of colourful newspaper. It was a classy but laidback event. This was a new theme for Waterloo Heights, it was fun to be in such a whimsical setting. The residents enjoyed the party!