Exercise Drumming Classes
Exercise Drumming Classes
Landmark Village began exercise drumming classes a few months ago and resident Sophia Akerboom was reluctant to give it a try. It was something new and different and Sophia wasn't sure if it would be for her. After a few times of mentioning to Sophia come give it a try and if you dont care for it that's ok. Well after the first class she loved it so much she encouraged others to come as well. What started out as 6 to 8 residents grew to 12 to 14. The best part of the story involves her family. Sophia shared with her family her new enjoyment in drumming and recently for her birthday her son gifted her a pair of drumsticks. Its wonderful to hear how much our activities are enjoyed and that residents share the fun they have with family. The photo is of Sophia just before class starts with her new drumsticks!